


Based on a true story -

Muscoy, California, a nothing town in San Bernardino County in the mountain foothills. Poor and passed by. This is where it all began for Garrett Blackfoot (Joey Lanai) and his difficult journey to overcome the hate that controls him.

Son of Native American, David Blackfoot (Marcos Akiaten) and matriarch, West Virginian transplant Tammy Young (Kari Nissena). Garrett lost his father to cancer when he and his sister, Nikki (Brenda Hattingh) were young children. Their mother Tammy, quickly remarried the womanizing and abusive Pete Young(Thom Mulligan). With 2 younger brothers making he and sister Nikki the blacksheep, the stage is set for a saddened childhood that would harden his heart and torture his dreams.

Now a single father in his 30's, he is driven by the demons who promised his failure ever since he could remember. A race against the clock to save the life of his handicapped, youngest step-brother who is slowly dying and kept prisoner in Tammy's home, his promise for a better life for his daughter Maddy (Madison Nicole Alexander) and sister Nikki, rolled up in man who thrives in physical confrontation and hindered by his temper and the bottle... he overruns every warning in his path to finally confront his inexplicable nemesis who's hate for her own has bred various paths of destruction all headed for a showdown.

Is there something supernatural at work here? Do his Indian roots serve more than we can see? What whispers in his sleep? What chants on the horsetrails under the Muscoy sky? What did he see moving in the shadows as a boy?

When you're this Callous, how deep do you cut before it hurts again?

  • Callous

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    Based on a tr...