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  • .357 Six Bullets for Revenge

    On her wedding night, Jade wakes up holding the hand of her dead husband after she narrowly survived a murder attempt by the criminal family she fled from only weeks before. After pawning her wedding ring for a 357 Magnum she tries to kill a member of the family and botches the attempt. However, ...

  • Where's the Fair?

    The simple question, 'What happened to the World's Fair?' launches a journey that uncovers the sordid past, present, and future of the United State's role in the largest global event in human history.

    "...if you're an American, or have any pride in the United States of America, this documentar...

  • Head Case

    The disturbing mock-documentary of serial killers Wayne and Andrea Montgomery, presenting a look into their quiet suburban lives... as well as the graphic and disturbing details of their horrific crimes.

  • Post Mortem - Feature

    The third volume in the shocking Head Case series

  • Critical Nexus

    Thriller Drama
    A young woman's pursuit of self-discovery and satisfaction turns deadly

    When a 16 year old girls video blog is seen by the wrong man, everyones sordid past comes into focus. Katie had no choice but to kill the man who tried to rape her, and now when girls who look like her are...

  • Callous

    Overview Filmmakers Details Media Opinion
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    Based on a tr...

  • Cryptic

    Little Jessie Graver doesn't know it yet, but she's about to have the worst birthday a kid can have. Sure, she's received a neat present - her first cell phone - but later that night, her mother Sara will fall into a coma when a live electrical cable falls into the pool. She's taken off life supp...

  • SafeWord

    Sabina, a young girl with a dark past, wakes up in the dungeon of a masked predator. She's been drugged on a blind date and the night promises terror...just as in her past. But when she outwits her captor and escapes half-naked into the night, her dark odyssey truly begins -- she runs into a tr...

  • The Locals S01 Ep01

    Episode 1: Pilot-­‐With Friends Like These
    Isaac bonds with Mike and does all he can to help Mike get over his wife who was bit and is now a zombie.

  • The Locals - S01Ep02

    Episode 2: A Dead Ringer
    Mike continues to work through his feelings of his now zombie wife while intrigued by a mystery woman he encounters on a jog. The gang pulls together after one of their own is assaulted by a local.

  • The Locals S01Ep03

    Episode 3: Blood Runs Cold
    The gang is on an all watch as they wait to see if one of them will become a zombie. General Farady, the head of The LCA reminds citizens “If you see a local, don’t delay, call The LCA”.

  • The Locals S01Ep04

    Episode 4: A Case of the Monday’s
    Mike musters the courage to actually speak to the jogging mystery woman. The all watch continues as we see one of the gang transforming. Jon goes on a zombie killing spree.

  • The Locals S01Ep05

    Episode 5: Time and Tide Wait for no Man
    Mike takes the advice of his therapist and opens up. Jon continues to practice his zombie killing skills. The transformation comes full circle just in time to see another of the gang all out bit by a zombie.

  • The Locals S01Ep06

    Episode 6: Localization
    The gang attempts to escape their problems at the local watering hole but the bitten victim cannot escape their fate.

  • The Locals S01Ep07

    Episode 7: Let the Good Times Roll
    In spite of housing a now full blown zombie the gang revels in the positive. Mike’s confidence is soaring as he asks mystery woman out on a date, Isaac and Kate are happy as ever. The party is crashed by an unwelcomed visit by The LCA.

  • The Locals S1Ep08

    Episode 8: Prison Blues
    Living with a zombie starts to take it’s toll. Jon makes a gruesome discovery that The LCA is not what it seems to be.

  • The Locals S01Ep09

    Episode 9: Rescue Me
    After Kate’s car leaves her stranded, Isaac, Mike and Kate must defend themselves and new found friend, Frank Yale, from a pack of hungry zombies.

  • The Locals S01Ep10

    Episode 10: Season Finale-­‐Born Free
    Frank Yale warns the gang about The LCA. After much consideration, they decide to set free the once friend now zombie. The gang realize The LCA has a much longer reach then they previously thought.

  • The Ritual - volume 2 of the Head Case Series

  • Termite - The Walls Have Eyes

  • Dark Minds

    Haunted by horrific nightmares, Beverly seeks professional help to keep her sanity. She is desperate to find a way that will separate her nightmares from reality.

  • Firefall: An Epic Family Adventure